Maria in Maldives

After our wedding last year we were incredibly fortunate to travel to the amazingly beautiful Maldives in the heart of the Indian Ocean, for a week of rest, relaxation and pampering in paradise. And paradise it was; soft white sands, bright blue skies and crystal blue waters, filled with colourful, tropical fish.

We were spellbound by the beauty that surrounded us. The huge, tropical trees were brimming with amazing fruits and the sound of wild birds singing constantly surrounded the island. It was calm, peaceful and picturesque. That being said, as beautiful as it was, the island was absolutely tiny and had little more to offer than alternating between lying on the beach or swimming in the sea. Sounds like heaven. And heaven it was, though it made us realise that this is exactly what we have on our doorsteps here in Cyprus, every single day of our lives. Okay, so there aren’t the waiters offering summery cocktails, or the opportunities to spot wild dophins on a speed boat tour… But there is the gorgeous weather, the amazing food and the beautiful beaches (minus the sharks), as well as the entertaining visions that are compelled upon us on a daily basis (think CYPRIOTS).

I don’t plan to visit the Maldives again, however I do feel incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to travel to that part of the world and get a feel for the people, culture and lifestyle of the Maldivian people. It is so important that we see as much of the world as we can, to embrace opportunities, open our minds and broaden our horizons.


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